Thursday, March 5, 2020

Will or Be Going To Video with Exercises

Will or Be Going To Video with Exercises When talking about the future in English, ESL students often have difficulty deciding whether they should use will or be  going to, and the difference in meaning between the two.For example, do you know the difference between these two sentences?I am going to visit Miami next year.I will visit Miami next year.No? Watch the video below, and see if you can do the exercises. If you want to watch more English lesson videos with exercises, click here. Fill in the gaps below with will or the correct form of be going to.1. I ______ visit my friends in Argentina next year.2. I think they ______ be glad to see me.3. Since you cooked dinner, I ____ wash the dishes.4. He ______ run 5 miles tomorrow.5. I ____ be 36 in October.6. The World Cup in Brazil _______ be awesome!7. I promise I _____ make another video next week.8. I think it _____ be warm tomorrow.Write your answers in comments and well tell you how you did! Diniz Congratulation you a good Teacher LOIEnglish Thanks Diniz! Giuseppe Pe rna 1)  I am going to visit my friends in Argentina next year. 2)    I think they will be glad to see me. 3)  Since you cooked dinner, I will wash the dishes. 4)  He is going to run 5 miles tomorrow. 5)  I am going to be 36 in October. 6)  The World Cup in Brazil will be awesome! 7)  I promise I will make another video next week. 8)  I think it will be warm tomorrow LOIEnglish Once again, well done Giuseppe! Another perfect score.   Zenaide Hi, thanks for the class. Really nice! I was checking the Giuseppes answers and I didnt understand the number 5. Is it correct? Isnt it a case of things that cannot change, so, the answer would be will? Thank you! LOIEnglish Youre right Zenaide. Question 5 is will. Although, I wouldnt worry too much about the difference in this circumstance. It is more important to remember to use going to for your plans.   G-fili 5)   Ill be 36 in October (its thing that cannot change). Is it right? LOIEnglish Yes! The answer to number 5 is will. It cannot change and therefore will is correct.   Adolfo I listened to a song and in its lyrics we can find this sentence: Youre gonna miss me when Im gone. I suppose itd be wrong, because its a prediction we cant know whether the other person would really miss him. Could you explain me that, please? Thank you. LOIEnglish Adolfo,  Good question! It is true that sometimes we use going to/gonna for predictions. The general rule is we use these for predictions when we have some evidence supporting our prediction.  For example:   The sky is really cloudy. Its going to rain soon.   My sister isnt going to catch her flight, she left 15 minutes ago and her flight leaves in 5 minutes.   The police man is going to give me a ticket. I was driving too fast.  and with will there is less evidence. (Often times we show some doubt when we talk about predictions with will. i.g. I think, maybe, possibly, etc.)Here are some will predictions:   You will live a very long time.   She will fall in love with him.   The test will be difficult.  You can see the above predictions dont have any real evidence. On a side note: Dont worry too much about the difference as in many cases we can use either will or going to. What is more important is that you use going to for plans rather than will. susana gonzalez 1. I am going to visit my friends in Argentina next year.2. I think they will be glad to see me.3. Since you cooked dinner, I will wash the dishes.4. He is going to run 5 miles tomorrow.5. I will be 36 in October.6. The World Cup in Brazil is going to be awesome!7. I promise I will make another video next week.8. I think it will be warm tomorrow. LOIEnglish Perfect! Sean Hwang 1. I am going to visit my friends in Argentina next year.2. I think they _will be glad to see me.3. Since you cooked dinner, I _will_ wash the dishes.4. He is going to run 5 miles tomorrow.5. I am going to be 36 in October.6. The World Cup in Brazil _will be awesome!7. I promise I am going to make another video ne xt week.8. I think it will be warm tomorrow. LOIEnglish #5 will is a better option.

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