Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Tutoring at Risk Students Can Help Troubled Students Reach Their Full Potential

Tutoring at Risk Students Can Help Troubled Students Reach Their Full PotentialTutoring at risk students is a wonderful way to help provide a safe place for troubled students to learn and grow. With a proper program in place, you can help children with learning disabilities and anxiety disorders to flourish and progress in their lives. Here are some tips on how to get started with teaching at risk students.Students often develop learning disabilities or anxiety disorders as a result of a traumatic event such as the death of a family member or severe illness. When this happens, it becomes nearly impossible for them to continue on in their education because their mental health and emotional needs have become so important to them. Many students who struggle in school can benefit from tutoring at risk students.It is important that teachers make sure that they get professional help for teaching at risk students. Although there is no shortage of experienced teachers who work with special-n eeds students, some teachers lack the experience needed to meet the unique needs of a student who is struggling with emotional problems. For this reason, some people find that getting an individualized educational plan for each student can help them excel in their classrooms.The availability of the program that is right for your students is a critical component. Even if your student has already been evaluated and found to be a good candidate for this type of tutoring, make sure that you are able to enroll them in the program. If you can't find a tutor with whom you are comfortable, then it is important that you are able to pay someone else to help you out in your classroom.You will want to make sure that the programs that you are interested in working with have reasonable fees. Be sure that you look at the available programs in your area before you make your decision on the tutoring services that you are going to hire. Even if you are not able to find any reasonable rates in your ar ea, you may still be able to find an affordable program through which you can help your students.Students who struggle with emotional issues are sometimes not getting the attention that they need. If you are going to help these students, then you need to make sure that you are providing the proper instruction for them. This means that you should also make sure that you are offering effective instruction for your students.The most effective way of providing instruction for your students is to provide them with a clear and comprehensive curriculum. You can do this by creating a syllabus that has all of the resources and materials that you need to help your students succeed. By providing students with an effective and complete curriculum, you will be able to help them with their studies, help them improve their writing skills, and help them practice what they are learning.Tutoring at risk students can be a wonderful opportunity for educators to help students succeed. You can help your students reach their full potential by helping them with their homework, giving them the support that they need during their studies, and offering them exercises and games that they can play that will help them learn. With proper tutoring, you can help your students to reach their full potential.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

What to Do to Write a Report Card That Children Will Love

What to Do to Write a Report Card That Children Will LoveSchool report card comments are important for students to reflect on their thought process and think of ways to make their grades improve. It's also important for students to get more out of their report cards since this is one of the most important thing to grade. A report card can be difficult for kids to read and even harder to understand. That's why they usually interpret the whole report through a magnifying glass, while lacking necessary common sense.Well, great news! This guide will show you how to actually write a report card that children will love. After reading this guide, they'll want to write better report cards and they will.Report cards can be a real problem for kids, especially kids who are using the report card for the first time. That's why it's important to use some basic strategies to help kids remember their school report cards and to encourage them to write better reports. You should also see if there are any teachers around to give some suggestions or pointers on what to include in the report card.Writing a report card is easy enough; what's hard is understanding the report. You have to decipher from the description and context what the school is looking for in the report. When you're really lucky, a teacher may be able to help you with that.Parents should also see if the child's teacher has student reports available in electronic format. This is actually an effective way to communicate your expectations to the child, since your child's parents will also have access to it.The key is to use the information that you have available, using a classroom document. If possible, you should include things like what you expect them to include, what they were unable to do, and what you want to see them do.By teaching your child good report card behavior, you will be working with a child that is more likely to read the whole report and carry out all your instructions. That's actually a good repo rt card for your child.

Friday, March 6, 2020

An Overview of the Culture of Portugal

An Overview of the Culture of Portugal Interesting Facts About Portugal ChaptersWhat Are Some of the Most Famous Portuguese Films?A Guide to the Most Beautiful Portuguese MusicPortuguese Celebrities and Other Famous Portuguese PeopleThe Best Portuguese Quotes to Learn the Portuguese LanguagePortugal is a land to make you dream. The Portuguese language, fado, saudade, port wine… a whole identity centred around Portuguese language and culture. Many consider it the most welcoming country in the world.From Rio de Janeiro in Brasil to the Alentejo region of Portugal, from the Azores Islands to Oporto, from Macau to the Douro Valley, from Madeira to Mozambique - the Portuguese language spans the world. Let’s take a peek and explore the different aspects of Portuguese culture - from music to the cinema to famous Portuguese people.Quem não pouca a agua ou a lenha, não poupa nada quen tenha: he who is thrifty with neither water nor wood will soon lose all that he hasAs nossas desgraças entram spempre por portas que nós abrimos: Our misfortunes enter by th e doors we open for them.These quotes show that Portuguese is more than simply the national language of Portugal, Brazil and several other nations, but also a language rich in history and steeped in culture, with idiomatic expressions that allow the Portuguese mentality to come to life.Try searching the net for 'learn portuguese  london' for details on courses in the UK capital.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Time It Takes to Visit Rome

The Time It Takes to Visit Rome How Long Should You Spend Visiting Rome? ChaptersRome at a GlanceVisiting Rome for a WeekendVisiting Rome for a WeekSpending Several Months in Rome“A fool is one who admires other cities without visiting Rome.” - Francesco PetrarcaShould you visit Rome for a couple of days, a week, or two?Rome, also known as the “Eternal City”, covers 1,285.31 km ².  The city benefits from tonnes of open-air museums: from Etruscan to Roman ruins and Baroque and Renaissance architecture, the city welcomes over 10 million tourists every year.To explore the monuments in Rome, you should probably opt for the Roma Pass and plan out exactly what you’re going to see.In this article, we’re looking at how long you’ll need to visit Rome. DanielaItalian Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LuciaItalian Teacher 5.00 (4) £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarilùItalian Teacher 5.00 (8) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarcoItalian Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors An tonellaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GiusyItalian Teacher 5.00 (3) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EnricoItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FedericaItalian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsRome at a GlanceThe capital of Latium and Italy since 1871, Rome was also the capital of the Roman empire for 357 years. There's so much to see in Rome. How can you visit it all? (Source: SCAPIN)The city was home to 4,356,403 inhabitants in 2016 and a further 2.87 million live in the metro area, making it the third-largest city in Europe after Moscow and London.It’s also home to the smallest sovereign state in the world: the Vatican, the capital of the Holy See. Rome’s history spans 28 centuries; from its foundation by Romulus in 753BCE to the modern-day.Due to its hegemony in the ancient world, it became one of the biggest cradles for European civilisation after Athens.Rome is thought of as one of the most beautiful cities in the world and nicknamed the “Eternal City”. It’s one of the largest archaeological sites in the world with 2,000 bridges and fountains, 900 churches, and plenty of Roman ruins and buildings.The historic centre of Rome is classed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and includes plenty of ancient Roman ruins: the Colosseum (the largest Flavian amphitheatre in the world), the ancient homes of the Palatine Hill, the catacombs and the Domus Aurea, the Pantheon and its dome, the Baths of Caracalla, the Circus Maximus, the ruins of the Stadium of Domitian under the Piazza Navona, etc.We should also add that there are plenty of monuments and Renaissance art galleries: St Peter’s Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, the Trevi Fountain, the museums, etc.  With so many world-famous monuments and ruins, it’s easy to understand why so many tourists from all over the world choose to visit it.There’s so much to see in Rome that you can’t see it all in just one weekend.  What you visit will depend on the neighbourhood you choose to stay in and how many days you’re spending in Rome.  However, work may mean that you can’t go for more than a weekend and you’ll have to visit Rome several times!Find out more about visiting Rome.Visiting Rome for a WeekendSpending a weekend in Rome won’t be enough to see everything the city has to offer. If you've only a few days, you have to visit the Colosseum! (Source: BanJo_89)If you only have a few days because you’re working during the week, try to get flights on the Friday to Rome Fiumicino airport. You can compare the price of flights on sites like Skyscanner. In two or three days, you can still see a lot of great stuff.Budget between £100 and £200 per day for everything (trips, food and drink, monuments, and accommodation).You can get to Rome for as little as £40 from London, making a three-day stay more economical than staying for a week or longer.You can get the Roma Pass for 48 or 72 hours for €28 or €38.50 to get the most out of your time in Rome as it grants access to museums and unlimited access to the public transport in Rome, and discounted entry to certain attractions. It’ll also allow you queue-jumps for certain attractions.Staying at Rome such a short amount of time will mean that you’ll be running around a lot and you’ll probably need to return if you want to see everything.We recommend you stay in the centre of Rome towards Trastevere; you won’t have enough time to visit the surrounding neighbourhood.So what can you do in Rome in 3 days?Day 1: The Colosseum, Palatine Hill, Monti neighbourhood, Piazza Venezia, the Piazza Navona, Capitoline Hill.Day 2: Trastevere neighbourhood, the Baths of Caracalla, the Catacombs, the Vatican (Vatican Museum, St Peter’s Square, Sistine Chapel).You might not even have the time to do this if some of these attractions are busy and there are still plenty of things that you’ll have missed.Find out more about Rome's different neighbourhoods.Visiting Rome for a WeekA week is long enough to see all the essential sights in Rome. If you're staying in Rome for a week, go to Ostia, a port used by the Romans. (Source: neufal54)To be fair, you should spend at least a week in Rome if you really want to make the most of it.  Of course, this does mean you’ll need a bigger budget.You might want to stay in an Airbnb or somewhere where you can cook for yourself.  If you want to be comfortable during your time in Rome, you probably want a budget of around £2,000 for two people.You might also want to pay for the “Hop On Hop Off” bus so that you don’t have to walk between all the different attractions including the Borghese Gallery, the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, and St Peter’s Square, etc.Did you know that the obelisk in St Peter’s Square was brought to Rome by Emperor Augustus in the 1st century after the Battle of Actium in 31BCE?It’s a testimony to the imperial era and is 2,000 years old!Visiting the city at your own pace means you don’t have to do it all at once.  Some monuments need half a day to really visit and you don’t want to be running around and missing everything.You can fully experience the markets in the centre, make the most of Roman life, and head off the beaten path to discover things that don’t feature in the tourist guides.  There are plenty of places you can stroll around in Rome without having to take public transport.If you go to the Vatican to visit the museums, St Peter’s Basilica, and the Sistine Chapel, it’s recommended that you go early in the morning because even in the high season, the queues can be insane.At the top of St Peter’s Basilica, you can enjoy a sublime view of St Peter’s Square and the city of Rome. It’s free to walk up but you’ll have to pay for the lift.Since you have more time to enjoy Rome, you can enjoy an afternoon by the sea at Ostia, which was the port in Rome during the Roman Empire.  It’s since become a holiday spot for those in Rome.Find out more about Rome's most famous monuments.Spending Several Mon ths in RomeWhy spend more than a couple of weeks in Rome?This will give you time to meet locals, do as the Romans do, and learn Italian. If you want to learn Italian, you should spend a few months in Rome. (Source: skeeze)Whether you’re there as a student, working as a freelancer or remotely, you can spend several months abroad to learn the language and more about the culture.  You could do an Erasmus year in Rome and come back to the UK having had an unforgettable experience.  Furthermore, this will give you the time to explore other regions in Italy, Campania, Naples, Apulia, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, etc.You looking for festivities?Consider renting a flat in the centre of Rome so that you’re nearer the action.  Rome always has something going on and every neighbourhood belongs to a different historic period.Living in Rome also means that you can enjoy each of the seasons throughout the year. You could stroll along the Tiber in spring, summer, or autumn.Find out more about the cost of visiting Rome.Now you know a bit more about the Italian capital and spending some time there. If you want to learn more about the Italian language, consider getting in touch with one of the many talented Italian tutors on Superprof!There are three main types of tutorial available on the platform: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials. Each type has advantages and disadvantages and what might be right for one student may not be right another.Face-to-face tutorials are between the tutor and the student and are the most cost-effective type of tutorials available. This is because your tutor spends every minute of the lesson focusing on you and the lessons and course are tailored to you.Online tutorials are similar to face-to-face tutorials but take place remotely thanks to the internet. If you have a webcam, mic, and a decent internet connection, you can learn Italian online. Since the tutor doesn't have to travel and can schedule more tutorials per week, they can charge less per hour.Finally, group tutorials are useful if you're on a budget. Since multiple students are paying for the tutor 's time and expertise, each student tends to pay less per hour. If you and some friends are wanting to learn Italian on a budget, group tutorials might be a perfect choice. Of course, you'll get less individual attention from your tutor.

How to Think About the Stuff in Your Job You Dont Like - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Think About the “Stuff” in Your Job You Don’t Like - Introvert Whisperer How to Think About the “Stuff” in Your Job You Don’t Like Even if you are deeply pursuing “your passion” there will always be things you must do that aren’t your favorite or don’t play to your strengths.   You have to make some choices about what to do with those weak spots.   You can always get training to help improve your abilities and then watch yourself to ensure it doesn’t negatively impact your overall job or business. But, what happens when your job is dominated by tasks that you don’t like to do and really aren’t that good at doing?   It’s not going to be a job you like because you aren’t going to feel good about you.   It’s not nourishing to your soul. You could be in a great work environment, working for the worlds best boss and getting paid well but if your job doesn’t make you feel good about you, then it’s not the right job.   Easy to say, hard to admit.   Even harder to figure out what to do about it. I’ve always been a believer that there is a proportion issue you have to think of when thinking about the content of your job.   The proportion issue is the amount of work you enjoy compared to the work you don’t enjoy.   We all have to be adults and do the stuff we don’t like to do and perform it reasonably well.   But, if the job is too heavily weighted towards unenjoyable tasks, that’s the point where you have to make some hard decisions. There is no “guideline” for the percentage of enjoyable v/s un-enjoyable tasks either.   This kind of decision is yours to make; as only you understand your own tolerance levels. Job fulfillment is composed of many things, not just the work or tasks you perform.   It includes whom you work for, the people you work with and things like the context of the work (like serving others).   But, for today, if you aren’t enjoying your career, think about this mix of tasks to see if it’s working for you. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Online Rates And Ratios Tutors

Online Rates And Ratios Tutors Rates ratio is one of the very useful concept in Math. The rate is defined as the ratio between two different quantities. Ratio is the quantitative comparison between the given quantities. Therefore the rate ratio is where two different quantities are compared. Some examples for the rate ratio are centimeter per minute written as cm/min; kilometers per second written as km/sec. Example 1: A vehicle A can cover a distance of 100 miles in 2 hours. Another vehicle B covers 90 miles in 3 hours. Find who travels faster. A travels with the speed (distance per time ratio i.e. miles travelled per hour) = 100 miles/ 2 hours = 50 miles/ hours. B travels with the speed (distance per time ratio i.e. miles travelled per hour) = 90 miles/ 3 hours = 30 miles/ hours. Comparing the speeds, miles / hour ratio for A and B i.e. 50 miles / hour and 30 miles / hours gives A has greater speed. Hence A has greater speed = 50 miles/hour. Example 2: Sam can cycle a distance of 16 miles in 2 hours. Ben can covers 21 miles in 3 hours by cycling. Find who travels faster. Sam travels with the speed (distance per time ratio i.e. miles travelled per hour) = 16 miles/ 2 hours = 8 miles/ hours. Ben travels with the speed (distance per time ratio i.e. miles travelled per hour) = 21 miles/ 3 hours = 7 miles/ hours. Comparing the cycling speeds for Sam and Ben. Hence Sam has greater speed = 8 miles/hour. .

ACT to Offer a Computer-Based Test

ACT to Offer a Computer-Based Test In recent years, the ACT has increasingly proved itself to be a serious competitor to the SAT. The creators of the ACT, however, continue to search for ways to improve the exam; one such strategy is to launch a computer-based version of the test. A paper-and-pencil version of the ACT will still be available for quite some time, but starting in 2015, students will have the opportunity to take a computer-adaptive version. The test-makers hope to move beyond simple multiple-choice questions to a truly interactive experience. Students will be prompted to write answers to certain types of problems and may even be asked to engage in virtual tasks. You may also want to check out how ACT scores will change in 2015. Jon Erickson, President of ACTs Education Division, provided several specific examples of questions that may arise, such as a science-section question that would display four beakers of chemicals and then require students to manipulate the items and mix the chemicals in order to analyze changes in density. Another example question involved students being asked to change the gas pressure of a cylindrical gas tank by adjusting a virtual plunger on the screen. Furthermore, the new test will also ask students to compose a response that describes concepts such as the relationship between distance and pressure or the relationship between temperature and pressure. Students may even have to graph these relationships. The ACT test-makers are attempting to create more than just a basic college admissions test. They hope to develop a full testing scenario that more accurately measures how well students can think and move through problems not just whether they can select the correct answer from a list of choices. In doing so, test-makers intend to make the ACT a better predictor of college success. Here is some great information on how the ACT is scoredthat you may find useful as well.If you are going to take the ACT and find yourself struggling with any section of the test, you may want to consider taking a fewACT practice tests, reviewing anACT prep book,or seekinganACT tutorto help you. Along the same lines, the College Board is releasing a new version of the SAT in 2016. The SAT changes will be more related to content, although the test-makers will be introducing a computer-based option as well, in addition to thepaper-and-pencil test. Yet, overall, the College Board wishes to make the SAT more practical. It will cover material that students will actually need to understand in order to complete college coursework. The ACT has typically been viewed as a curriculum-based test when compared to the SAT, meaning that it is designed to assess the material that students should be learning in high school. In 2015, the SAT may start moving in this direction as well. ACT Inc. also hopes to build a culture of college readiness by reaching even younger students. It plans to release computer-based tests that can track students development over time. The tests will measure how far above or below a grade levels standards each student is learning. These tests could begin as early as the third grade, and ACT Inc. plans to share detailed reports with the students and their parents on the students testing outcomes.